http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dys1_TuUmI4endofvid [starttext] 

Follow your common sense
You cannot hide yourself
behind a fairytale forever and ever
Only by revealing the hole truth can we disclose
The soul of this bulwark forever and ever
Forever and ever

Indoctrinated minds so very often
Contain sick thoughts
And commit most of the evil they preach against

Don’t try to convince me with messages from God
You accuse us of sins committed by yourselves
It’s easy to condemn without looking in the mirror
Behind the scenes opens reality

Eternal silence cries out for justice
Forgiveness is not for sale
Nor is the will to forget

Virginity has been stolen at very young ages
And the extinguisher loses it’s immunity
Morbid abuse of power in the garden of eden
Where the apple gets a youthful face

You can’t go on hiding yourself
Behind old fashioned fairytales
And keep washing your hands in innocence 


Cry for the Moon - Epica

[postlink]https://dagendauwsnotenbalk.blogspot.com/2011/09/every-dog-has-its-day-flogging-molly.html[/postlink]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pP40g_OjxRYendofvid [starttext]

"Every dog has it 's day..." en elke mens ook wel, veronderstel ik.

Voor de nu volgende reeks van zeven clips heb ik me laten leiden door de dagen van de week.
Iedere dag een deuntje. Luistert u ook mee?

Kies er maar eentje uit... en laat u verrassen.

Niet dringen, niet dringen! Er is genoeg voor iedereen ;-)



Every dog has it's day - Flogging Molly

[postlink]https://dagendauwsnotenbalk.blogspot.com/2011/09/monday_20.html[/postlink]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Kobdb37Cwcendofvid [starttext] Maandag[endtext]


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADR9Nt8yZ7oendofvid [starttext] Dinsdag [endtext]


[postlink]https://dagendauwsnotenbalk.blogspot.com/2011/09/wednesday.html[/postlink]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTSOpwyDnKUendofvid [starttext] Woensdag [endtext]


[postlink]https://dagendauwsnotenbalk.blogspot.com/2011/09/thursday.html[/postlink]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8S227FFNwl8endofvid [starttext] Donderdag [endtext]


[postlink]https://dagendauwsnotenbalk.blogspot.com/2011/09/friday.html[/postlink]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wa2nLEhUcZ0endofvid [starttext] Vrijdag [endtext]


[postlink]https://dagendauwsnotenbalk.blogspot.com/2011/09/saturday.html[/postlink]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyyFLYNbQpgendofvid [starttext] Zaterdag [endtext]


[postlink]https://dagendauwsnotenbalk.blogspot.com/2011/09/sunday.html[/postlink]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4SQCcJOwPQendofvid [starttext] Zondag[endtext]


[postlink]https://dagendauwsnotenbalk.blogspot.com/2011/09/httpwww_20.html[/postlink]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBHZFYpQ6ncendofvid [starttext] Hier is geen uitleg bij nodig, hé?

"Mooi(ng) !"  

Mijn heel speciale dank gaat uit  naar Treesje die me deze link bezorgde ;-)


Fiddler on the roof - If I were a rich man

[postlink]https://dagendauwsnotenbalk.blogspot.com/2011/09/emperor-s-new-clothes-sinead-o-connor.html[/postlink]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFpregq5eJ4endofvid [starttext]


When you 're famous
even your fart
is a priceless piece of art.

- DagEnDauw -

That 's what the story of the Emperor is all about I guess...
The trouble is, nobody reads fairytales anymore and we take everything far to serious to listen to  a child ...

Moreover we all want to know the truth... untill we hear it...

This clip is GREAT and the singer too
Let 's laugh a little more.
Here 's a link to the story


The Emperor 's New Clothes - Sinead O' Connor

[postlink]https://dagendauwsnotenbalk.blogspot.com/2011/09/httpwww_19.html[/postlink]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5u9ePEx7V0endofvid [starttext] Het originele lied "Waltzing Matilda" wordt vaak het "onofficiële nationale volkslied van Australië" genoemd. 
Maar deze versie van Tom Waits, ook wel Tom Traubert' s blues genaamd, refereert slechts naar beide overige liedjes waarin enerzijds een matilda een plunjezak is; en walzing van de verouderde Duitse uitdrukking Auf die Walz gehen (op pad gaan) schijnt te komen. Waltzing Matilda is dus in feite met een plunjezak op je rug op pad gaan... en anderzijds naar Bogle 's versie die verhaalt over de 50.000 soldaten uit Australië die stierven in Gallipoli in 1915 (mislukte invasie van de geallieerden tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog) en de zinloosheid van oorlogen in het algemeen.
Deze "Mathilda is echter mijn absolute favoriet - niet in het minst door de manier waarop Tom Waits het nummer vertolkt natuurlijk. De pijn en miserie wordt gewoon tastbaar door zijn stem.

Wasted and wounded, it ain't what the moon did, I've got what I paid for now
See you tomorrow, hey Frank, can I borrow a couple of bucks from you
To go waltzing Mathilda, waltzing Mathilda,
You'll go waltzing Mathilda with me

I'm an innocent victim of a blinded alley
And I'm tired of all these soldiers here
No one speaks English, and everything's broken, and my Stacys are soaking wet
To go waltzing Mathilda, waltzing Mathilda,
You'll go waltzing Mathilda with me

Now the dogs are barking and the taxi cab's parking
A lot they can do for me
I begged you to stab me, you tore my shirt open,
And I'm down on my knees tonight
Old Bushmill's I staggered, you'd bury the dagger
In your silhouette window light go
To go waltzing Mathilda, waltzing Mathilda,
You'll go waltzing Mathilda with me

Now I lost my Saint Christopher now that I've kissed her
And the one-armed bandit knows
And the maverick Chinamen, and the cold-blooded signs,
And the girls down by the strip-tease shows, go
Waltzing Mathilda, waltzing Mathilda,
You'll go waltzing Mathilda with me

No, I don't want your sympathy, the fugitives say
That the streets aren't for dreaming now
And manslaughter dragnets and the ghosts that sell memories,
They want a piece of the action anyhow
Go waltzing Mathilda, waltzing Mathilda,
You'll go waltzing Mathilda with me

And you can ask any sailor, and the keys from the jailor,
And the old men in wheelchairs know
And Mathilda's the defendant, she killed about a hundred,
And she follows wherever you may go
Waltzing Mathilda, waltzing Mathilda,
You'll go waltzing Mathilda with me

And it's a battered old suitcase to a hotel someplace,
And a wound that will never heal
No prima donna, the perfume is on an
Old shirt that is stained with blood and whiskey
And goodnight to the street sweepers, the night watchmen flame keepers
And goodnight to Mathilda, too

Waltzing Mathilda - Tom Waits

[postlink]https://dagendauwsnotenbalk.blogspot.com/2011/09/enigma-variations-edward-elgars-deel-i.html[/postlink]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dsw4IhZ_uQ0endofvid [starttext] 

N° 1 - 7

Most of the description is taken from "allmusic.com", while my commentaries will be mostly my personal impressions of the variations. ( LindoroRossini )

"At the end of an overlong day laden with teaching and other duties, Edward Elgar lit a cigar, sat at his piano and began idling over the keys. To amuse his wife, the composer began to improvise a tune and played it several times, turning each reprise into a caricature of the way one of their friends might have played it or of their personal characteristics. "I believe that you are doing something which has never been done before," exclaimed his wife". Thus, as the legend tells us, was born one of music's great works of original conception, and Elgar's greatest large-scale "hit": the Enigma Variations.

The enigma is twofold: each of the 14 variations refers to a friend of Elgar's, who is depicted by the nature of the music, or by sonic imitation of laughs, vocal inflections, or quirks, or by more abstract allusions. The other enigma is the presence of a larger "unheard" theme which is never stated but which according to the composer is very well known. A third enigma formed, when I decided to upload the variations, as I am completely baffled about the identity of either the conductor or the orchestra.

But getting back to the work itself, the work contains some most charming and interesting music.

As the piece is about thirty minutes long, I've divided it into three parts, each one finishing with a furious allegro passage (and, interestingly enough, the variations go well this way).

The main theme (marked andante and starting, of course, at 0:00) itself is hesitating, lean and haunting, and is reprised once. As I'm writing this description and listening to the theme, I'm trying to grasp its' source, as it is familiar to me (it reminds me a bit of Grieg, to be honest), but, quite possibly, it is an archetypal melody which explains why guesses have ranged from "God Save the King" to a simple major scale, so, to put it clear, "impersonal" it is next to the variations which are formed from it. An interesting touch is the fact that the variations, unusual for the form in general, feature no musical bridges, seamlessly floating one into the other.

I. C.A.E. (l'istesso tempo; 1:32), the passionate first variation, represents Caroline, the composer's wife, a constant source of encouragement and inspiration. The variation contains repetitions of a four-note melodic fragment (and one that I'm especially fond of) which Elgar reportedly whistled whenever arriving home to his wife; with a little imagination, something like "Darling, I'm home" forms.

II. H.D.S-P. (allegro; 3:15), Hew Stuart-Powell, a pianist with whom Elgar played chamber music. The music makes an impression of a "Figaro" type of fellow, always running, always busy, with only the ending bringing him to a well-deserved rest.

III. R.B.T. (allegretto, 4:06), Richard Townsend, an amateur actor, whose vocal pitch would rise when excited, a characteristic which the music imitates to full effect.

IV. W.M.B. (allegro di molto; 5:25), William Baker, who after barking out plans for the day would leave the room with a vigorous door-slam. This is the shortest of the variations, perfectly mimicking a man strolling from one corner to the other, making plans and statements, and then running out as fast as he had entered.

V. R.P.A., Richard Arnold (moderato; 5:56), son of the writer Matthew Arnold, who would punctuate serious discourse with a nervous laugh. Another personal favorite for the "laughing portion", wonderfully contrasting with mockingly serious strings before.

VI. Ysobel (andantino; 7:59), Isobel Fitton, a violist, a fact that is represented by a solo viola. A connection is made with the first variation by a gentle portrait, in contrast to the characterful and a bit intimidating gentlemen represented by the variations in between,

VII. Troyte (presto; 9:17), Arthur Griffith, an architect and raucous pianist. The variation good-naturedly mimics his enthusiastic incompetence on the piano.


Enigma Variations - Edward Elgar's (deel I)

[postlink]https://dagendauwsnotenbalk.blogspot.com/2011/09/enigma-variations-edward-elgar-deel-ii.html[/postlink]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WFL06es-HIendofvid [starttext] N° 8 - 11

VIII. W.N. (allegretto; 0:00), Winifred Norbury, a gracious and gentle friend, hence the relatively relaxed atmosphere. At the end of this variation, a single violin note is held over into the next variation, the most celebrated of the set. The gentle chirping of the flutes, wonderfully contrasted by the plucking of the strings, paints a most gracious person.

IX. Nimrod (andante; 1:55), Augustus Jaeger, Elgar's close friend. It is said that this variation, as well as an attempt to capture what Elgar saw as Jaeger's noble character, depicts a night-time walk the two of them had, during which they discussed the slow movements of Ludwig van Beethoven. The first eight bars resemble, and have been said to represent, the beginning of the second movement of Beethoven's Eighth Piano Sonata (Pathetique). The name of the variation cunningly refers to an Old Testament patriarch described as a mighty hunter, the name Jaeger being German for hunter. Though certainly the most celebrated of all the variations, I find myself admiring, rather than truly enjoying it, unlike, for example, the previous variation.

X. Dorabella (allegretto; 5:57), Dora Penny, whose infectious laugh is depicted in a repeated line for the the woodwinds.

XI. G.R.S. (allegro di molto; 8:33), George Sinclair, an organist. More specifically, the variation also depicts Sinclair's bulldog Dan, and a walk by the River Wye with Sinclair and Elgar when Dan fell into the river: one can actually see the dog running back and forth to and away from his master in a frenzy... and then falling into the water.  [endtext]

Enigma variations - Edward Elgar (deel II)

[postlink]https://dagendauwsnotenbalk.blogspot.com/2011/09/enigma-variations-edward-elgar-13-15.html[/postlink]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbocgV_QYEkendofvid [starttext] N° 12 - 14

XII. B.G.N. (andante; 0:00), Basil G. Nevinson, a well-known cellist, who gets a cello melody for his variation, just like in the Ysobel variation, where viola was used for the violist.

XIII. Romance (moderato; 2:35). Because of the lack of initials, the identity of the person is unclear and remains an enigma within the Enigma. However, the music includes a quotation from Felix Mendelssohn's concert overture "Calm sea and prosperous voyage" which leads to speculation that it depicts either Lady Mary Lygon, local noblewoman on a voyage to Australia at the time, or Helen Weaver, who was Elgar's fiancée before she emigrated to New Zealand in 1884. At certain intervals, the timpani create a sound reminiscent of a ship's engines, by means of hard sticks or, traditionally, coins. Interestingly enough, the melody is varied several times within the variation, possibly to symbolize Elgar's conflicting emotions towards the person depicted, though the variation returns at the very end to the serenity of the beginning.

XIV. E.D.U. (allegro presto; 5:23), Elgar himself, "Edu" being his wife's nickname for him. This heartily extroverted, even boisterous, finale ties together the first variation and the Nimrod themes, as though to suggest that the composer has taken advice to heart and is determined to succeed. The entry of an organ in the final measures brings the work to a confident, happy close. The original variation No. 14 is 100 bars shorter than the version now usually played. In July 1899, one month after the original version was finished, Jaeger, from variation No. 9, urged Elgar to make the variation a little longer. Elgar eventually agreed, and added an organ part. [endtext]

Enigma variations - Edward Elgar (deel III)

[postlink]https://dagendauwsnotenbalk.blogspot.com/2011/09/nimrod-uit-enigma-variations-sr-edward.html[/postlink]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUgoBb8m1eEendofvid [starttext]Daniel Barenboim met het Chicago Symphony Orchestra, in Carnegie Hall 1997 tijdens een concert dat werd opgedragen aan de toen net overleden Sir Georg Solti, de vorige dirigent van het CSO.

Om het integrale werk te beluisteren,

klik hier ► voor N° 1 - 7
klik hier ► voor N° 8 - 11
klik hier ► voor N° 12 - 14


Nimrod (uit Enigma variations) - Edward Elgar

[postlink]https://dagendauwsnotenbalk.blogspot.com/2011/09/lonely-spider-lhasa-de-sela.html[/postlink]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8_yoVJBkLQendofvid [starttext]

The Lonely Spider 
 Lhasa De Sela

Lonely spider waiting in her web
Hoping she can catch some happiness
Then who should stumble into here but you

Got you where I want you
Got you where I want you

Lovely lady spider likes you best
Begs you to come live in her own nest
Feeds you clothes you gives her heart to you

Got you where I want you
Got you where I want you

Don't know why you put up such a fight
Make the lady spider cry all night
You never have to be alone again

Got you where I want you
Got you where I want you

Lonely spider waiting in her web
Hoping she can catch some happiness
Oh when will happiness come by again


The lonely spider - Lhasa De Sela

[postlink]https://dagendauwsnotenbalk.blogspot.com/2011/09/30-seconds-to-mars-capricorn-brand-new.html[/postlink]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-tqzcq1BY0endofvid [starttext] Deze is voor eentje die me nog steeds nauw aan het hart ligt.

Capricorn ( A Brand New Name)

So I run, hide and tear myself up
Start again with a brand new name
And eyes that see into infinity

I will disappear
I told you once and I'll say it again
I want my message read clear
I'll show you the way, the way I'm going

So I run, and hide and tear myself up
Start again with a brand new name
And eyes that see into infinity
I was almost there
Just a moment away from becoming unclear
Ever get the feeling you're gone
I'll show you the way, the way I'm going
So I run, and hide and tear myself up
I'll start again with a brand new name
And eyes that see into infinity

So I run, start again
With a brand new name
With a brand new name

So I run and hide and tear myself up (so I run)
I'll start again with a brand new name (start again)
And eyes that see into infinity (with a brand new name)

I will disappear...

"Capricorn (A Brand New Name)" was de debuutsingle van de Amerikaanse rockband "30 Seconds To Mars" en werd gereleased bij Immortal Records op 23 Juli 2002.

Het nummer werd geschreven door Jared Leto.
Bob Ezrin, Brian Virtue and 30 Seconds to Mars waren de producers.

Leto, schreef het naar verluid, om aan zijn verlangen naar vernieuwing uiting te geven.

Capricorn (A Brand New Name) - 30 Seconds To Mars


Ground control to Major Tom (A space oddity)

Muziek en tekst : David Bowie

Ground Control to Major Tom
Ground Control to Major Tom
Take your protein pills and put your helmet on

Ground Control to Major Tom
Commencing countdown, engines on
Check ignition and may God’s love be with you

Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five, Four, Three, Two, One, Lift-off

This is Ground Control to Major Tom
You’ve really made the grade
And the papers want to know whose shirts you wear
Now it’s time to leave the capsule if you dare

“This is Major Tom to Ground Control
I’m stepping through the door
And I’m floating in a most peculiar way
And the stars look very different today

For here
am I sitting in my tin can
Far above the world
Planet Earth is blue
And there’s nothing I can do

Though I’m past one hundred thousand miles
I’m feeling very still
And I think my spaceship knows which way to go
Tell my wife I love her very much (she knows!)
Ground Control to Major Tom
Your circuit’s dead, there’s something wrong
Can you hear me, Major Tom?
Can you hear me, Major Tom?
Can you hear me, Major Tom?
Can you hear....

“ am I floating round my tin can
Far above the Moon
Planet Earth is blue
And there’s nothing I can do.?


Ground control to Major Tom - David Bowie

[postlink]https://dagendauwsnotenbalk.blogspot.com/2011/09/man-who-sold-world-nirwana.html[/postlink]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fregObNcHC8endofvid [starttext] 

The man who sold the world
Muziek en tekst : David Bowie

We passed upon the stair, we spoke in was and when
Although I wasn't there, he said I was his friend
Which came as a surprise, I spoke into his eyes
I thought you died alone, a long long time ago

Oh no, not me
We never lost control
You're face to face
With The Man Who Sold The World

I laughed and shook his hand, and made my way back home
I searched for a foreign land, for years and years I roamed
I gazed a gazeless stare, we walked a million hills
I must have died alone, a long long time ago

Who knows? Not me
I never lost control
You're face to face
With the Man who Sold the World

Who knows? not me
We never lost control
You're face to face
With the Man who Sold the World


The man who sold the world - Nirwana

[postlink]https://dagendauwsnotenbalk.blogspot.com/2011/09/smells-like-teenspirit-nirwana.html[/postlink]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTWKbfoikegendofvidendofvid [starttext] 

Smells Like Teen Spirit lyrics
Songwriters: Cobain Kurt, Novoselic Krist, Grohl David.

Load up on guns,
Bring your friends
It's fun to lose and to pretend
She's overboard self assured
Oh no I know, a dirty word.

Hello, hello, hello, hello?
Hello, hello, hello, how low?
Hello, hello, how low, how low?
Hello, hello, hello.

With the lights out, it's less dangerous
Here we are now, entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now, entertain us
A mulato!
An Albino!
A mosquito!
My libido!
Yay! Hey! Yay!

I'm worse at what I do best
And for this gift I feel blessed
Our little group has always been
And always will until the end

Hello, hello, hello, hello?
Hello, hello, hello, how low?
Hello, hello, how low, how low?
Hello, hello, hello.

With the lights out, it's less dangerous
Here we are now, entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now, entertain us
A mulato!
An Albino!
A mosquito!
My libido!
Yay! Hey! Yay!


And I forget just why I taste -
Oh yeah, I guess it makes me smile
I found it hard, it was hard to find
Oh well, whatever, nevermind

Hello, hello, hello, hello?
Hello, hello, hello, how low?
Hello, hello, how low, how low?
Hello, hello, hello.

With the lights out, it's less dangerous
Here we are now, entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now, entertain us
A mullato!
An albino!
A mosquito!
My libido!

A denial!(x9) [endtext]

Smells like teenspirit - Nirwana

[postlink]https://dagendauwsnotenbalk.blogspot.com/2011/09/la-favola-degli-aironi-angelo.html[/postlink]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjHptad8ir4endofvid [starttext] 
Nu de zomervakantie voor de meesten ten einde is, en op kousevoeten de herfst begint te naderen, even dit weemoedig liedje voor het slapen gaan, van Angelo Branduardi...

La favola degli aironi

È là
Che la terra si è chinata
A raccogliere ogni cosa
Che il tempo ha abbandonato
Lasciato dietro a sè
E il vento senza fine
Che logora le dune
Di spiagge così grigie
E i corvi dell'inverno
Si sono ormai posati,
è là dove svanisce
È là
Che l'ultimo dei semi
Non ha lasciato frutto
E la terra ha ormai scordato
Che tanti anni fa
A un vento profumato
Distesero gli aironi
Le ali colorate
E i corvi dell'inverno
Si sono ormai posati,
è là dove svanisce


De reigers

waar de aarde neerbuigt om
te verzamelen wat door de tijd werd achtergelaten
komt de eindeloze wind en verwaait de duinen tot grijs zand ,

terwijl de winterkraaien paraderen.
Ze krijsen  in zwarte formaties
hun spotlach over de wereld
en verdwijnen dan achter de horizon...

... Nu,
de laatste zaden
geen vruchten meer zullen voortbrengen,
lijkt de aarde haast vergeten
dat onlangs
de wind nog zacht en geurig was,
en de reigers
met hun vleugels het zonlicht vingen...
Terwijl inmiddels weer de winterkraaien paraderen.
Ze krijsen  in zwarte formaties
hun spotlach over de wereld
en verdwijnen vervolgens achter de horizon...


La favola degli aironi - Angelo Branduardi

[postlink]https://dagendauwsnotenbalk.blogspot.com/2011/09/diamante-zucchero.html[/postlink]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbQ0cuzx8R4endofvid [starttext] 
l'odore dei granai
e pace x chi ci sara
e per i fornai
pioggia saro
e pioggia tu sarai
i miei occhi si chiariranno
e fioriranno i nevai.

Impareremo a camminare
x mano insieme a camminare

Aspettero che aprano i vinai
piu grande ti sembrero
e tu piu grande sarai
nuove distanze
ci riavvicineranno
dall'alto di un cielo, Diamante,
i nostri occhi vedranno.

Passare insieme soldati e spose
ballare piano in controluce
moltiplicare la nostra voce
x mano insieme soldati e spose.
Domenica, Domenica

Fai piano i bimbi grandi non piangono
fai piano i bimbi grandi non piangono
fai piano i bimbi grandi non piangono

Passare insieme soldati e spose
ballare piano in controluce
moltiplicare la nostra voce
passare in pace soldati e spose.


Diamante - Zucchero

[postlink]https://dagendauwsnotenbalk.blogspot.com/2011/09/algunas-bestias-m-farandouri-m_5284.html[/postlink]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDPi11XhcG8endofvid [starttext]

Muziek : Mikis Theodorakis,
Tekst (gedicht) : Pablo Neruda
Vertolking : Maria Farandouri

Algunas bestias

Era el crepúsculo de la iguana.

Desde la arcoirisada crestería
su lengua como un dardo
se hundía en la verdura,
el hormiguero monacal pisaba
con melodioso pie la selva,
el guanaco fino como el oxígeno
en las anchas alturas pardas
iba calzando botas de oro,
mientras la llama abría cándidos
ojos en la delicadeza
del mundo lleno de rocío.
Los monos trenzaban un hilo
interminablemente erótico
en las riberas de la aurora,
derribando muros de polen
y espantando el vuelo violeta
de las mariposas de Muzo.
Era la noche de los caimanes,
la noche pura y pululante
de hocicos saliendo del légamo,
y de las ciénagas soñolientas
un ruido opaco de armaduras
volvía al origen terrestre.

... Hier stopt het eerste deel van het lied, maar het gedicht vervolgt in deel 2


Algunas bestias - M. Farandouri, M. Theodorakis

[postlink]https://dagendauwsnotenbalk.blogspot.com/2011/09/algunas-bestias-m-farandouri-m_01.html[/postlink]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vb2rx8eO0jcendofvid [starttext] 

Tweede deel van "Algunas Bestias" uit het "Canto General" van Pablo Neruda op muziek gezet door Mikis Theodorakis en vertolkt door Maria Farandouri.
De opname dateert uit 1981 tijdens hun concert in België.
Gezien het een copy betreft is de kwaliteit van de video niet zo denderend, maar die negeer ik even, gezien de inhoud ervan weergaloos prachtig is.

El jaguar tocaba las hojas
con su ausencia fosforescente,
el puma corre en el ramaje
como el fuego devorador
mientras arden en él los ojos
alcohólicos de la selva.
Los tejones rascan los pies
del río, husmean el nido
cuya delicia palpitante
atacarán con dientes rojos.

Y en el fondo del agua magna,
como el círculo de la tierra,
está la gigante anaconda
cubierta de barros rituales,
devoradora y religiosa.

(Met speciale dank aan Mamirafenna die me een link naar de clip van deel één bezorgde. )

Ter info :

Het Canto General uit 1950 van Pablo Neruda werd in 1984 vertaald naar het Nederlands door Mark Braet, Willy Spillebeen en Bart Vonck, Rainbow Pocketboek 30, ISBN 90-6766-030-2

Algunas Bestias - M. Farandouri, M. Theodorakis