[postlink]https://dagendauwsnotenbalk.blogspot.com/2013/08/mna-na-heireann-sinead-o-connor.html[/postlink]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tt8p5AxJn18endofvid [starttext]

Eentje voor het slapen gaan... en om morgen gezond weer op te staan.

Mná na hÉireann

Ta bean in Eirinn a phronnfadh sead damh is mo shaith le n-o
'S ta beann in Erinn is sa binne leithe mo rafla ceoil no seinm thead
Ata bean in Eirinn is niorbh fhearr le beo
Mise ag leimnigh no leagtha ! gcre is mo tharr faoi fhod

Ta bean in Eirinn a bheadh ag ead, liom mur bhfaighinn ach pog
0 bihean ar aonach, nach ait an sceala, is mo dhaimh fein leo
Ta bean ab fhearr lom no cath is cead dhiobh nach bhfagham go de
Is ta cailin speiruil ag fear gan bhearla, dubghranna croin

Ta bean a dearfaidh da siulainn leithe go bhfaighinn an t-or
Is ta bean 'na leine is fearr a mein no na tainte bo
Le bean a bhuairfeadh baile an mhaoir agus clar thin eoghaln
Is ni fhaicim leigheas ar mo ghalar fein ach scaird a dh'ol

The woman of Ireland

There's a woman in Ireland
would give me a jewel and my fill to drink
There's a woman in Ireland
for whom my voice is more sweet
than the sound of harps and strings
There's a woman in Ireland
would love me more alive,
roguery on my tongue,
than cold and deathless, my body below the ground

There's a woman in Ireland
would rage with envy if I stole a kiss
from a woman tinker at the fair in Tubber
and she with warts on her face
And strange it is: this love I bear them
and a hundred more who I'll never win
while a swarthy man with no Irish weds a queen

There's a woman in Ireland
says if I walked with her I'd inherit the wind
and a woman in Ireland
tall, grave of manner, silent as a stone
And the woman who would deafen Ballymore
and the plain of Tyrone
and I see no cure for my affliction
but to drink no more


Mná na hÉireann - Sinead 'O Connor

[postlink]https://dagendauwsnotenbalk.blogspot.com/2013/08/molly-malone-sinead-oconnor.html[/postlink]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpCytp0HTi8endofvid [starttext]

De mooiste versie van "Molly Malone" die ik ooit hoorde. Je voelt zó het onheil naderen van zodra Sinead O'Connor voor het eerst "alive alive oh" laat klinken. Geniet van deze Ierse traditional op O'Connors' wijze... Alive alive ho!

Molly Malone  (Ierse Traditional)

In Dublin's fair city
where the girls are so pretty
I first layed my eyes on sweet Molly Malone
As she wheeled her wheel-barrow
Through the streets broad and narrow
Crying cockles and mussels, alive alive O!

She was a fish-monger
And sure 't was no wonder
For so was her father and mother before
And they both wheeled their barrow
Through the streets broad and narrow
Crying cockles and mussels, alive alive O!

She died of a fever
And no one could save her
And that was the end of sweet Molly Malone
Now her ghost wheels her barrow
Through the streets broad and narrow
Crying cockles and mussels, alive alive O!


Molly Malone - Sinead O'Connor