Deze song werd in 1988 uitgebracht op single en was het derde nummer op de LP Seventh son of a seventh son. Het verhaal wordt aanvankelijk verteld door een ik-figuur maar na zijn dood, gaat het verder in de derde persoon. Steve Harris die de tekst schreef was naar eigen zeggen geïnspireerd door de dood van het medium Doris Stokes en de vraag of iemand die helderziend is ook in staat is om zijn eigen dood te kunnen voorspellen.
De gitaarsolo wordt gespeeld door Dave Murray.
The clairvoyant (◄ click here to take a look at my interpretation)
Feel the sweat break on my brow
Is it me or is it the shadows that are dancing on the walls
Is this a dream or is it now
Is this a vision or normality I see before my eyes
I wonder why I wonder how
That it seems the power's getting stronger every day
I feel a strength an inner fire
But I'm scared I won't be able to control it anymore
There's a time to live and a time to die
When it's time to meet the maker
There's a time to live but isn't it strange
That as soon as you're born you're dying
Just by looking through your eyes
He could see the future penetrating
Right in through your mind
See the truth and see your lies
But for all his power couldn't foresee his own demise
There's a time to live and a time to die
When it's time to meet the maker
There's a time to live but isn't it strange
That as soon as you're born you're dying...
... and reborn again?
The Clairvoyant lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group[endtext]